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How Can We Work Remotely Without Causing Harm To Our Bodies?

Working from home, or remote working, can be detrimental to one’s physical health if some key factors that can help prevent the beginning of certain disorders are overlooked.

Following a set of standards for maintaining proper posture, as well as certain mobility and exercise requirements, can help to guarantee that one’s physical condition is not adversely affected.

Recommendations for working at home while maintaining good posture

To avoid the onset of back discomfort (the cervical and lumbar regions are the most commonly affected), create a location in your home where you can keep the best possible posture.

To avoid the appearance of these disorders, avoid sitting in any way. The first thing to avoid is reclining or lying on the sofa.

Keeping certain postural features in mind in the workplace will also help to prevent injuries.

Physiotherapists emphasize the following things in order to maintain excellent postural hygiene:

Maintain a straight back (have the sensation of growing from the crown of the head).
In the seat where you’re working, keep your hips and knees bent at 90 degrees or more.

Alternate between sitting on the ball and the designated work chair if you have a fitball.

This will also help to increase your activity level and improve your back muscles.

Avoid slouching and tensing your shoulders.

Suggestions for how to stay active when working remotely.

Staying active during the working day from home, on the other hand, will be critical in preventing the onset of physical discomfort.

To avoid developing muscular tensions as a result of inactivity, it’s a good idea to take a series of breaks.

Back pain can be avoided by getting up from time to time (avoid sitting in the same posture for more than an hour), walking, and stretching.

When you finish work, it’s a good idea to do a few exercises to mobilize, stretch, and strengthen your body so that you can keep your physical condition in tip-top shape and avoid teleworking having a detrimental impact on your health and well-being.


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